Sunday, December 9, 2007

Paying For Advertising For Your Home Business

So you just started your home business. Most likely you have gotten an affiliate web site with your own unique affiliate number. Now the hard part begins, you now have to drive people to your affiliate site and you may not have a clue on how to do that. There are many different ways to drive traffic to your site. We will cover a different variety of advertising you could you use to help you build your home business. Now of course some ways are a lot more effective than others. So I have good news and bad news. The good news is you can make a very nice income from building your home business. The bad news is it will take work and you will have to come out of your comfort zone in order to build your home business. With that being said let's get started.

The most common way most online home business owners are marketing is by using classified ads like Craigslist. This is the least effective way to market your home business. Posting in classified ads does not work,period. It is a complete waste of time. If you don't take my word for it, go ahead and try it. The reason this is so ineffective is because everyone is posting their home business ads there. When you post in classified ads you pretty much have to hope and pray your ads will get results.

Next people use traffic exchanges and safe lists to market their home business. This is also very ineffective. You may get some results but the results will not be worth your time or money. Once again everyone is using these methods and most of the time your home business is not going to grow using traffic exchanges and safe lists.

Now PPC or Pay Per Click advertising is another common way to market. Now PPC can be very effective but you must either have a large advertising budget or have lots of experience in using PPC. Many companies normally spend 10,000 a month on PPC alone. So you must have a nice budget in order to market this way.Or you can hire an expert and let them run your PPC campaign for you. Either way spending anything less than 500 a month on PPC is most likely going to be a waste.

Organic SEO is probably your best bet when advertising on the Internet. Here is the only drawback with using organic SEO, first you must know what you are doing and it takes consist effort to reach the top of the search engines. Yes you could hire a SEO company to drive traffic to your web site but be sure to do your due dilligence on the company. There are many SEO companies out there who are frauds.

When it comes to advertising be sure you are able to track your results. You must be able to tell what is working for you and what is not working for you. These are just a few things to look out for when starting your home business.

Home Business Cleveland

Home Business New York City-Year End Tax Tips For Home Businesses

Home Business New York City-Year End Tax Tips For Home Businesses

Someone recently asked me what they could do now to make taxtime easier for this upcoming tax season. The best thing you can do is to think about taxes before thenyear ends. Most people wait until the tax filing deadline beforethey ask how they can reduce their income taxes. Unfortunately,once 2007 ends, there's very little you can do to minimize yourtaxes for 2007.

To start your tax planning, you should review your income,deductions and withholdings before the year ends. Which meansyou need to get your bookkeeping caught up! You should use asoftware program, such as QuickBooks, Quicken Home and Business,or spreadsheets to keep track of your income and expenses foryour business. Once you're bookkeeping is caught up... do you expect your homebusiness to have a profit or a loss this year? If you have a profit, here are some tax planning tips to helpminimize your home business taxes this year:

1. Defer your income. If you have a home based business and itlooks like you'll have a good profit this year, considerinvoicing your clients in January instead of December, to deferthe income to next year. Or, just wait until the end of Decemberto send invoices. Any money you receive in January will go onyour 2008 tax return, not 2007.

2. Accelerate expenses. Do you need to purchase any inventory?What about supplies? Does your computer need to be replaced? Ifyou've got a profit for 2007, consider purchasing inventory,supplies or other items that will need to be replaced soon thisyear to reduce your taxable profit. In addition, if you itemize your tax deductions, make sure youpay all mortgage payments, property tax, medical expenses, etc.this year, even if they aren't due 'till next year, to helpincrease your tax deductions for this year.

3. Contribute the maximum amount to retirement plans. As a homebased business owner, you have several retirement plans tochoose from. You can setup a traditional IRA, a SEP IRA, aSimple IRA, or even a 401K. The maximum contribution amountsvary based on the retirement plan, but these plans allowcontributions from $4,000 up to $44,000 per year. Contributingto a retirement plan is a great way to maximize your retirementsavings and to minimize your taxes at the same time.

4. Give to charity. Although charitable donations don't reduceyour business income, they do reduce your taxable income if youitemize your deductions. Gifts of cash or goods are a great wayto help reduce your tax bill this year.

On the flip side, if you expect a larger profit next year, orif you expect to jump into a higher tax bracket next year, it'sbest to report as much income this year, and to defer as manyexpenses as possible 'till next year.

Either way, year end tax planning can really help minimize yourtaxes. But you have to make it a point to review your taxesbefore the year ends. Once 2007 is gone, so are your taxplanning opportunities for 2007.

About The Author: Kristine A. McKinley, CPA, and CFP,specializes in helping home based and online business ownersunderstand and minimize their income taxes. For more tax tipsfor home based and online businesses, please visithttp://www.onlinebi ztaxtips. com

Home Based Business New York City