Search engine marketing can take your business from failure to success. Many business owners leave out search engine marketing since they have no clue what it is or how to achieve desirable results with search engine marketing. Instead they turn to methods such as posting to free classified ad sites. For example Craigslist. Posting on free classified ad sites will not bring your business the sales it and you need to survive. Posting on free classified ad sites will get you a small drop of potential customers if you are lucky or have great ad copy. Most business owners have neither. Many business owners do not realize the power of search engine marketing. Instead they place ads online and offline in classified ads. I will go into detail why search engine marketing hands down beats anyother type of marketing available offline and online. And I will also show you why search engine marketing beats posting in classified ads without a doubt.
First what is search engine marketing? Search engine marketing is marketing your website on search engines like Google and Yahoo. There are alot of search engines you can add your website to but the search engines which receive the most traffic are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. So those are the ones you should be most concerned about. Now there are two ways to market your websites on search engines. One is through organic listings and the other is Pay Per Click. Both are effective if you know or have someone who knows what they are doing. If not you will get nowhere and both can end up costing you lots of money.
Let's discuss search engines. Search engines consist of keywords, some keywords have more traffic than others. For example let's say you wanted to buy a dog, so you go to Google and type in the keyword "buy a dog". A list of dog businesses would pop up where you could purchase your dog from. Now let's go over how this can help out your business. Let's say you are in the plumbing business. Imagine what would happen if everytime someone typed in the keywords "plumbers or plumbing" and your site showed up. How much more business would your plumbing business get? A lot more. And remember these are all interested clients getting ahold of you.
So how does search engine marketing beat posting in classified ads, like Craigslist. First off with posting on free classified ads you must continually post your ads. Yes you may have a targeted audience but a majority of your competition will also be using free classified ads to advertise in. And what is going to separate your business from your competitions business? Nothing.
Here is the bottom line if you are not taking full advantage of search engine marketing you are missing the boat. There are a lot of potential customers you are missing by not using search engine marketing . One last thing to consider if you are going to hire an SEO company be sure to do your due diligence on the SEO company because there are many SEO companies who have no clue about search engine marketing.
First what is search engine marketing? Search engine marketing is marketing your website on search engines like Google and Yahoo. There are alot of search engines you can add your website to but the search engines which receive the most traffic are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. So those are the ones you should be most concerned about. Now there are two ways to market your websites on search engines. One is through organic listings and the other is Pay Per Click. Both are effective if you know or have someone who knows what they are doing. If not you will get nowhere and both can end up costing you lots of money.
Let's discuss search engines. Search engines consist of keywords, some keywords have more traffic than others. For example let's say you wanted to buy a dog, so you go to Google and type in the keyword "buy a dog". A list of dog businesses would pop up where you could purchase your dog from. Now let's go over how this can help out your business. Let's say you are in the plumbing business. Imagine what would happen if everytime someone typed in the keywords "plumbers or plumbing" and your site showed up. How much more business would your plumbing business get? A lot more. And remember these are all interested clients getting ahold of you.
So how does search engine marketing beat posting in classified ads, like Craigslist. First off with posting on free classified ads you must continually post your ads. Yes you may have a targeted audience but a majority of your competition will also be using free classified ads to advertise in. And what is going to separate your business from your competitions business? Nothing.
Here is the bottom line if you are not taking full advantage of search engine marketing you are missing the boat. There are a lot of potential customers you are missing by not using search engine marketing . One last thing to consider if you are going to hire an SEO company be sure to do your due diligence on the SEO company because there are many SEO companies who have no clue about search engine marketing.
To learn how a fully automated Marketing system can help your business go here